Purgatory Hill
Basic information
Sample name: Purgatory Hill

Reference: L. Van Valen and R. E. Sloan. 1965. The earliest primates. Science 150:743-745 [ER 2332]
Country: United States

State: Montana

County: McCone

Coordinate: 47.65° N, -105.80° W
Coordinate basis: based on political unit

Formation: Tullock

Time interval: Early Palaeocene

Zone: Puercan

Max Ma: 65.7

Min Ma: 64.862

Age basis: paleomag

Geography comments: coordinate based on McCone County
in the Collins Ranch Member of the Tullock Formation
just above the undated Y-Coal in chron 29n according to Swisher et al. (1993) (age assignment is for chron 29n and is based on Ogg 2020)

Substrate: ground surface

Lithology: sandstone

Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit

Habitat comments: "stream channel sand"

Life forms: primates,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals

Sample size: 123 specimens

Years: 1964

Sampling comments: no details are given about collecting methods
Van Valen (1978) lists the following additional taxa that cannot be related to the original inventory: cf. Pararyctes sp., Prodiacodon crustulum, cf. Aphronorus sp., Leptacodon proserpinae, "about 5 other insectivorans", "undescribed plesiadapid" (= Pandeomonium dis of Van Valen 1994), Oxyprimus albertensis, an additional Eoconodon sp., Haplaletes andakupensis, Tinuviel eurydice, Oxyacodon marshater

Sample number: 2491

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Modifier no: John Alroy

Created: 2017-02-12 11:57:38

Modified: 2024-12-03 11:39:26

Abundance distribution
23 species
3 singletons
total count 123
geometric series index: 34.6
Fisher's α: 8.345
geometric series k: 0.8689
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9274
Shannon's H: 2.8739
Good's u: 0.9760
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Taeniolabis sp.1
Simmons (1987): "Taeniolabis taoensis"
Stygimys sp.6
said to be new
Parectypodus sp.7
said to be new
Neoplagiaulax nelsoni7
Sloan (1987): type; "Neoplagiaulax sp." said to be new
Mesodma formosa5
Mesodma cf. ambigua2
Kimbetohia sp.7
said to be new: could be Ptilodus tsosiensis of Johnston and Fox (1984)
Cimexomys minor2
Peradectes sp.1
said to be new
Procerberus plutonis4
Van Valen (1978): "Procerberus sp." said to be new
Palaeictops sp.5
said to be new
Mixodectidae indet.3
Insectivora indet.5
Microsyopidae or Mixodectidae
Palaeoryctidae indet.3
Gelastops sp.2
said to be new
Purgatorius unio6
Protungulatum sloani22
Van Valen (1978): "Protungulatum sp." said to be new
Oxyclaenus sp.9
said to be new
Oxyclaenus pugnax3
includes "Thangorodrim thalion" of Van Valen (1978)
Chriacus calenancus10
Van Valen 1978: "Tricentes sp." said to be new
Eoconodon nidhoggi6
Van Valen (1978): "Eoconodon sp." said to be new
Anisonchus oligistus6
Hemithlaeus sp.1
said to be new